Charles Towers-Clark
Charles Towers-Clark first realised the need to persuade everybody around him to become WEIRD whilst going backwards pulling two bits of wood (otherwise known as rowing). In his 20s he ran a company in Central Asia with 150 employees and worked 16 hours + a day making (mostly small) decisions constantly. He told himself not to employ people again after that. Twenty years on, and again running a company with employees, he realised that there was an easier way – stop taking decisions. Having pushed decisions down to employees, his 360 degree evaluation scores plummeted as everybody else had the information to realise that they could do a better job than him. The upside of this is that he had time to write a book, see his family (they’re actually quite nice) and the company of which he was Group CEO – Pod Group - was successfully sold 3 years later.
Charles is now a doctoral researcher at WBS, where is now exploring novel ways of enhancing 'human skills' in the workplace and education, by understanding and adapting organisational structures.
Get in touch.
Charles is always happy to help other organisations adapt how they work.